Saturday, June 14, 2008

One Quick Thought...

I know I posted about 30 minutes ago... but I wanted to post this thought to sort of get the ball rolling! It's something the Lord revealed to me the other day... and it helped me tremendously.

The Lord has a certain peace, that He wants to give away. We as humans are living in the enemy's realm, and you can bet he's gonna tempt us. But because of our God being the kind of God He is, He gives us an escape. When then enemy tempts you, you have the authority to tell him "NO, this is NOT the life I agreed to! I gave my heart to Jesus, and He is in me!" Just by realizing those few words, we can filter what comes into our heads and stay positive! Now, you have to be able to recognize when it's the Lord and when it's the devil. But just pray for that wisdom and knowledge! How amazing is it that we can have an escape, an exit to when the devil tempts us to be aggravated, annoyed, or any other temptation he could throw on us! All you have to do is recognize it, filter it, and pray for the Lord's peace and you have the AUTHORITY to throw it in the garbage (the temptation, not the peace! haha). Then, what else is there to do but thank the Lord. Thank Him for giving you the ability to recognize, and the authority to get rid of that junk! Thank Him for being the kind of God He is, that we have an escape! There is nothing more humbling then to thank the Lord!



Taylor Hale said...

That is soo true Alec! You have a lot of wisdom to show people and you are wise beyond your years. Keep goin strong for God!

Jordan Garrett said...

way to go alec!!! I can't wait to see what will happen through our blogging!! *which btw i have a "real blog" now*

Haley Johnson said...

This sounds familiar! ;)
Thank you so much for the starbucks night talk. We'll have to it again some time.

YYY said...

thanks for the advice!!! you totally made me realize how much time i spend being negative and giving into that temptation. choir camp totally brought out my ugly side! (6 hours a day spent rehearsing does that type of thing) but anyways, thanks for the help! can't wait to use it!